Culinary Water

Culinary Water

Smithfield City’s Water Department is responsible for delivering culinary and secondary water to the residents of Smithfield. Secondary water is available in only a small portion of the city.  Smithfield’s Water department makes every effort to provide clean, safe drinking water. Each year the water professionals spend several days training, leaning new techniques on maintaining the water system and keeping it safe from contaminates. Each of Smithfield’s Water Operators is certified from the State of Utah’s Division of Drinking Water.

Low Water Pressure inside Your Home
Low water pressure may be the result of problems with your plumbing system or it may result from a problem in the pipeline serving your area. If you have low water pressure often, you may have debris in your pipes, water supply and other valves may not be open, or you may have leaks. To address low pressure problems inside your home, you should call a plumber and have your system checked. A sudden drop in water pressure may result from a water main leak or other malfunction. Typically, several homes in an area will be affected. 

Reporting Brown Water and Bad Tasting Water
Brown water occurs when normal sediments in the water lines become stirred up or “agitated.” Agitation can occur when the lines are turned off for repairs or when a line breaks. The brown color is usually from iron (rust) particles that come off of the older pipes. Although it is undesirable, the water is safe to drink. The color can stain white clothes in the washing machine. Try to eliminate the brown color by running your cold water for 15 to 20 minutes. If the color does not go away, the outside lines may need to be flushed.

To report persistent brown water, contact us at (435) 563-4140

Click HERE to see the 2023 Consumer Confidence Report.